PTA Fall Term Accomplishments
As of October 2024
Thank you to parents and volunteers who assisted the Executive in meeting these requirements at the start of the school year.
Teacher and Student Resources
Educational & Event Banners for the School
Welcome Back Posters
Clearing the overgrowth on 6 Church Road leading to the school to prevent traffic congestion on the first week of school.
Samsung TVs and stands for P1 to P6 classrooms to enhance instruction capabilities for students.
Small air conditioner for the PE office.
Deep Cleaned the music room to restore use.
Replaced the broken mini-blinds in Art Room.
Secured communicators for school safety, emergencies and basic communication between admin and staff.
Various educational items for P1 to P6.
Uniform Drives were held in the Summer & Fall.
Installed new blinds in the assembly hall.
Repainting and relined the netball court
Resources provided for the new PE Aquatics Program.
Screens for the field pavilion windows.
Additional reading book sets ordered for P5.
Provided Bouncyband Products for learning as a learning support to enhance the attention of selected students.
Conducted Events: Bingo Night and Teacher Appreciation Activity & Assembly.
Ordered Sporting Equipment for the PE Program.
Reactiveated Parent Volunteer Teams.
Launched the Penny Wars Fundraiser.