2024-2025 PTA
Parent Volunteer Teams
We encourage all parents to serve on at least one team. This will help us to ensure our children have the best year ever.
Together we can do more!
HOT LUNCH TEAM: Deliver lunches to the classrooms from 11:40 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
SIGHT WORDS TEAM: Using flashcards
MATH FACTS TEAM: Using flashcards
MINIBUS TEAM: Help teachers supervise students for afternoon Student Clubs on the minibus.
PTA DELIVERY TEAM: Collect and deliver small items for the PTA, such as student and classroom resources, etc.
PTA EVENTS TEAM: (On the date of scheduled events when you're available).
Examples: Concessions, Facilitating Games, Setup, and Breakdown.SPORTS DAY TEAM: (Date TBC) by helping with issuing Powerade, distributing placement cards for races, etc.
"FIX-IT" TEAM to help with small tasks: painting, clearing out a storage room, etc
YEARBOOK TEAM: Taking pics for the PTA.
CAREER WEEK TEAM: Help set up Career Week: The weekend of January 18, 2025.
CAREER FAIR TEAM: Guide students at the Career Fair: Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
PARTICIPATE IN THE CAREER FAIR: Manage a booth highlighting your career: Tues. Jan 21
LIBRARY TEAM: Help with the library book drive and keep the library organized.